Updated February 21, 2025
Pray for the lost (2/4/2025)
David, Bryan, Steven, Shela, Henreitta, Lindsey, Lewis, Maddie, Chris, Leah, Brady, Howard, Kim, Casey, Cody, Carl, Patti, Mattie, Raymond, Kristine, Delores, Sam, Derrick, Megan, Tammy, Craig, Phyllis, Eddy, Ricky, Butch, Edgar, Colvie, Patsy, Gerald, Joshua, Cory, Rick, David, Andrew, Julia, Diane, Joe, Chance, Debbie, Katelin, Randy, Heather, Jim, Carolyn, Courtney, James, Zach, Susan, David, Melba, Stephanie, James, Melody, Alex, Dane, Donald, Isaac, Donald Junior, Cathy, June, Becky and husband, Michael, Ashley, Susan, Pete, Jean, Mike, Stewart, Mary, Natasha, Steven, Bill, Keith, Howard, Alex, Kevin, Brian, Chad, Cody & Tina, Gene, Hale, Chad, Robert, Jonas and girlfriend, Jason and his family, Dwight, Linda, Jerry & Loraine, Jason & Family, Austin, Danny, Ryan, Hindu couple & child, Matt & Family, Matthew, Joshua Shipman; Annabel, Annabel's sister, Adam
Prayer requests (2/21/2025)
- Duchanoy grandson, Brady (creatinine up, fluid around transplanted kidney, hydration therapy/possible biopsy next) 2/21/2025
- Chris Farris (son of Mat Sharp's friend, has sepsis from bone graft surgery on jaw, coded last night, in bad shape) 2/20/2025
- Shanna Smith (recovering, gallbladder surgery Monday) 2/20/2025
- Tom Sharp (low-grade fever & coughing with every breath, pray there is no pneumonia; good cancer reports earlier) 2/17/2025
- Bro. Stacy's friend, Brian Finley (Myeloid Leukemia, chemo & radiation at Baptist LR extended due to other illnesses) 2/12/2025
- Dakota Barker (bad car wreck 2/10, airlifted to Children’s with brain bleed & neck fracture) 2/12/2025
- Jennifer White, Lowery family friend (valve replacement recently, not doing well, needed blood transfusion at ER Monday) 2/12/2025
- Cathy Creighton Beard (cancer metastasized in her brain, please pray for comfort, peace, and healing) 2/10/2025
- Lee Roy Brewer (liver cancer, started immunotherapy treatments last Thursday) 2/9/2025
- Robin Stone's granddaughter, Mary (scheduled for surgery for infected lymph node on side of neck) 2/9/2025
Other prayer requests (2/17/2025)
Justin Clark (recovering, eye surgeries, pray no optic nerve damage), Chad Edwards (periodic cancer checkups), Linda Furrow (Angela Goodwin's mom, on hospice at nursing home), Jerry Frazier (prostate cancer), Gary Sproles (multiple myeloma), Karen Langley (aggressive lung/kidney cancer), Peggy Miller (cancer), Ingris Almengor (food pantry client, stomach cancer), Linda Wright (3-time cancer survivor, cancer has returned), William Wood (age 50, diagnosed with ALS), Elton Keeney (metastasized prostate cancer), Eric Nast (prostate cancer), Deecia Carpenter (squamous cell carcinoma), Matt Arnold (heart failure, leaky heart valve), Jeri VanDiver (breast cancer), Philip VanDiver (slow-growing brain tumor, bladder cancer), Ron Jenkins (ongoing, severe ulcerative colitis w/ complications), Howard Thompson (lymphoma), Joseph Martin (ongoing spine & related medical issues), Bill James (pancreatic cancer), Corby Billingsley (cancer), Pat Yocum (liver cancer), Pat Smith (bone cancer), Cyndi Jackson's brother (salvation), Donna Yeager (lung cancer), RL Carpenter, Catherine Cliff, Scarlett Vaughan & parents, Kathy Walter's son Eddie
Nursing Homes and Assisted Living (2/17/2025)
Edie Branstetter, Maxine Butler, Larry Cantrell (24-hour homecare), Rosemary Catton, Betty Crutcher, Ester Dacus, Bernice Davis, Pat Fisher, Don Helm, Elma Raye Hunter, Bertha Rounds, Margie Sizemore, Mary Thurman